How can you contribute?

1. Single donation of an amount of your choice

You can choose to support the Fund as a whole, allowing your donation to be used for the purpose for which it is most needed.

2. Regular annual donation of an amount of your choice

You can make a longer-term difference by renewing your donation every year.

3. Donation to support a specific cause

You can specify how your donation is used, subject to ERA’s agreement and in the interest of the Fund as a whole. For example, you can choose to support:  

  • an activity in/for the Western Balkans with the possibility to specify which countries you wish to support
  • an activity in/for Ukraine
  • an activity on a specific topic of your choice (Rule of Law, Gender based violence, etc.)

ERA may also identify specific projects in need of support.


Every cent you donate will be used for the purpose that you have chosen to support. This is thanks to the fact that the Fund will be administered by the Friends of ERA Association, so no new administrative structure will be created. Activities supported by the Fund will be prepared and implemented by ERA and its experienced staff.

With the support of the Transnational Giving Europe network, ERA will ensure that donations to the Fund will be recognised as charitable donations with any fiscal benefits that this may entail according to the donor’s country’s law. Donors to specific causes/countries will receive regular bi-annual updates on how their donation is being used. Other Donors will receive an annual report.

Decisions on projects to be supported by the Fund will be taken by the Executive Board of the Friends of ERA Association based on a proposal by the Management Board of ERA.

 Donate via Credit Card or PayPalDonate via bank transfer
 DonateBank details:

Verein zur Förderung der Europäischen Rechtsakademie TR eV

IBAN: DE03 5855 0130 0000 9653 76


Sparkasse Trier

Please ensure to indicate the purpose of the donation.